Hard Knock Life
Arrested a Day After Being Married
37 year old lady from Georgia was arrested a day after her wedding for child molestation. This lady took a 15 year old boy to a courthouse to get married and now that "I do" has brough much more than at first thought. Whats worse she is pregnant.
Mikhail Khodorkovsky
Mikhail Khodorkovsky once the richest man in Russia, the 16th richest man in the world. This man was great at what he did and who he was. Khodorkovsky ran a oil company called Yukos and it happen quicker than it took to get where he was. In 2003 Khodorkovsky was arrested and thrown into jail. He was charged with acting illegally in the privatisation process of the former state-owned mining and fertiliser company Apatit, so he will serve nine years behind bars.
I Don't Remember
A elderly man went to the police station reported that he robbed a bank but no one paid attention to this mans claim since he was to old to barely walk. Trying to prove his case the man tried his hardest to remember the banks, the streets, something to tell them that he was the person because he wanted to go back to the Hospital's psychiatric ward. After some time the man left and days later the police found out and elderly man robbed three banks. I guess sometimes it will pay to remember parts of your crime
Bleeding Money
A man from Boston thought he would break into a bank through a basement window and in the process of breaking the window he cut up his arms from broken glass. Crawling through the window he made it in only to find out there was no way of getting the money, but that was not the only problem he couldn't get out of the window he crawled through. Left with a choice of bleeding to death or call 911 he called 911 and now he will face the trouble for his crimes.

Lottery Dreams Do Come True
Winning the lottery is a dream come true and often times you are so filled with emotion from winning that you tend to forget some things. Take for example a lady in Oregan who won the lottery, she was probally having thoughts on what to do with all the money only to find out she will not get a dime because she bought the lottery tickets with a stolen credit card. That really has to suck going from an instant millionaire to a criminal in one heart beat.
Online Date
Falling in love over the internet a girl was going to meet her new love in Kansas City where he lived. He was very excited about her coming though she started second guessing herself and never boarded her flight. Thinking of a way out of this she waited a bit until when the plane was going to land. At the terminal the young guy waited for her to show up, but there was no sign of her. After some time she called him and said she had been abducted at the airport and she didn't know where she was. Worried the guy called the cops and they began searching for her, some time later she was arrested. This girl now faces a $10,000 fine for the search and community service for her stupid actions.
A man robbing a convenience store and his wife was suppose to wait outside to be ready to get away. Well she was bored came inside the store and seen some kind of registration box for a TV or a gallon of gas something like that, so she registers by putting her name and address on the card and drops it in the box. While this is going on her husband gets the money and they take off. Moments later the cops show up at their door with the slip she filled out and arrested them. Talk about tuff love, I bet that guy is so proud of his wife.
Does Your Life Suck
Waiting in traffic already late for work when some fool decides that your car makes for a good conversation.
In the military away from home for 6 months and all you have on your mind is your girl, but she is with someone else.
Whats your story? Have you ever had a day that you wish to never have if so send an email and get published on Hard Knock Life so thousands can see why their life is so much easier than yours.
Hard Knock Life